Electronic services terms and conditions

Rules of providing services by electronic means

I. Definitions

  1. Phrases and expressions used in this document shall have the following meaning:
    • "Rules" - this document being the rules of providing services by electronic means;
    • "Supplier" - Homfi sp. z o.o. with its registered headquarters in Kraków, Sukiennicza Str. 8/U8, KRS number: 0000943668, tel. +48 12 345 21 30, e-mail: kontakt@homfi.com;
    • "Website" - set of logically ordered, connected to each other by the navigation and links, parts presented by the web browser under even electronic address www.homfi.com and https://www.privatehousebrokers.pl
    • "User" - someone who uses the Website;
    • "User’s terminal device" - telecommunication terminal device defined in article 2 section 32 of the Act of 16th July 2004 Telecommunications Law used by the User;
    • "Cookie files" - computer data, especially text files stored on the User’s terminal device and destined to be used with the Website; cookie files contain e.g. Website address and the time of storage on the User’s terminal device.

II. General provisions

  1. The Rules define the rights and obligations of the parties of the services by electronic means and were developed on the basis of the article 8 of the Act from 18th July 2002 of providing services by electronic means.
  2. Acceptance of the Rules shall be treated as expressing the intent to enter into the agreement with the Supplier on the conditions laid down in the Rules.

III. Types and scope of providing services by electronic means

  1. Services offered by the Supplier through the Website are:
    • reservation of the property from the Supplier’s offer intended for sale or lease,
    • design services,
    • home staging services.
  2. In case the online payment is necessary regarding the Supplier’s services mentioned in section 1, it will be operated by Blue Media S.A. with its registered headquarter in Sopot (Online Payment Regulations).

IV. Conditions of providing services by electronic means

Technical requirements necessary to cooperate with the Supplier’s IT system:

  1. To use the Website you will need:
    • a device with the Internet connection with installed and properly configured and up-to-date version of the Internet browser with properly positioned Cookie files service option;
    • active e-mail account in case of using some internet forms.
  2. The Website places the Cookie files on the User’s terminal device (read more about cookie files in the Cookie files policy).

Prohibition of providing illegal content:

  1. It is forbidden to provide by the User illegal content, especially offensive content or which may be misleading or infringes the rights of the third party or containing viruses or that may lead to damage or distractions of the IT systems.
  2. The User is obliged to obey the prohibition of the abuse of the means of the electronic communication and not to provide to/by the Supplier’s IT systems content that causes malfunctioning or system overload.

Risks associated with providing services and data secure:

  1. Systems used by the Supplier provide a high security and data protection standard. Information relating to User’s personal data processing you will find in the Privacy Policy.
  2. Using services provided by the Supplier needs the usage of public website (Internet) which may be related to increased risk of dangers in connection with using the Internet. The User should be aware of that.
  3. One of the risks mentioned above is the possibility of obtaining the access to the transmitted data or to the data stored on the computer by the unauthorized parties and interference in this data which may cause data loss or data change or prevent the use of services provided by the electronic means offered by the Website.

Costs of using the Website:

  1. Costs of connecting the User with the Supplier’s Website are charged to the User according to the tariffs offered by the telecommunication operator who provides the User the possibility of using the Internet, including transmitting and receiving electronic data from the Website.
  2. The User is not charged for any additional costs imposed by the Supplier regarding the use of the Website.

V. Conditions of concluding and terminating agreements on providing services by electronic means

  1. The acceptance of the Rules shall be regarded as a will of concluding the agreement on providing services by electronic means.
  2. The agreement is concluded after the Supplier confirms its terms and conditions.
  3. The acceptance of the Rules may be expressed by the User clearly by submitting a statement on reading the Rules or implicitly if after reading the Rules the User continues using the Website and forms available on the Website. In case of doubt it is considered that the agreement on providing services by electronic means is concluded at the moment of writing by the User the Website address.
  4. In case of leaving the Website by the User, the agreement on providing services by electronic means is not concluded.
  5. The Supplier reserves the right to close the Website without explanation.

VI. Complaint procedure

  1. The User may make a complaint if the services provided by electronic means are not performed by the Supplier or are performed contrary to the Rules.
  2. The complaint shall contain:
    • personal data of the User,
    • subject of the complaint and related period of time,
    • circumstances that justify the complaint,
    • signature of the User - if the complaint is made in writing.
  3. The complaints shall be made in writing and submitted at the reception desk at the Supplier’s headquarters or via e-mail: biuro@homfi.com immediately, no longer than within 14 days from the occurence of the accident being the basis of the complaint. If the complaint is made by the e-mail, it shall be sent from the e-mail address provided by the User in the registration form under pain of leaving without recognition.
  4. The Supplier replies to the complaint via e-mail, to the e-mail address provided by the User or in writing, to the address provided by the User, within 14 days from receiving the complaint.
  5. The Supplier may leave the complaint without recognition if:
    • the complaint is regarding the subject that is explained in the Rules or attachments. In this case the response to the complaint includes the referrence to the appropriate document,
    • the complaint is regarding the subject that was previously explained in the response to the User’s complaint. In this case the response to the complaint includes the refference to the appropriate correspondence,
    • the complaint was made by the third person who has no appropriate authority.
  6. If the complaint does not fulfill the formal requirements stated above, the Supplier invites to complete the complaint within no longer than 7 days along with the instructions that if the complaint will not be completed during the indicated period of time, it will be left without recognition.
  7. The Supplier will inform the User about leaving the complaint without the recognition.
  8. The Supplier does not bear responsibility for incorrect data transmission, including those caused by breakdown of the IT systems, telecommunication systems or power supply systems, nor for the data transmission errors caused by the operator’s delay. The Supplier does not bear responsibility to the lack of the access to the Website for the reasons that are outside the Supplier’s control. In case of safety risk or need for carrying out technical changes on the Website the Supplier may block or suspend the accession to the Website, without prior notification to the User.
  9. The Supplier does not bear responsibility to the damages occured in connection with using the Website, including the contact form, or with lack of possibility of using the Website by the User, or with interference, errors, lacks, defects, malfunctioning, data transmissions delays, computer viruses, line or IT system breakdown, or other activities of the Website, subject to the mandatory law provisions.
  10. Above all the Supplier does not bear responsibility for using the Website, including the contact form, in the manner that is contradictory to the Rules, the provisions of law or its socio-economic purpose.

VII. Final provisions

  1. The Supplier reserves the right to modify the Rules.
  2. The Users will be informed about the modification of the Rules by electronic means and by providing on the Website the updated Rules.
  3. Modifications of the Rules enter into force at the date specified in the information about the modification, not earlier than after 14 days from the date of informing about the modifications of the Rules.
  4. The access to the current information about the modifications of the way and scope of services provided by the electronic means and to the information mentioned in article 6 of the Act on providing services by the electronic means, the Supplier will fulfill by the Website.
  5. The applicable law for all legal relations arising from the Rules is Polish law.
  6. Any disputes shall be resolved by the Polish court.