"Insurance policy for the Lessor" Regulations

"Insurance policy for the Lessor" Regulations

"Insurance policy for the Lessor" Regulations for real estate lease agency agreements and property lease management agreements

(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations")

  1. These Regulations specify the rules under which Homfi, as part of the remuneration, will purchase an insurance policy for you covering: interruptions in rent payments (no payment from the lessee or temporary exclusion of the apartment from the possibility of renting), coverage of legal assistance costs, specialist costs and insurance of household movables , in accordance with the General Insurance Terms and Conditions, which are an annex to the policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").
  2. The Regulations apply to you if you have concluded a real estate lease agency agreement or a property lease management agreement with Homfi (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
  3. You are entitled to the Policy as part of the remuneration referred to in the Agreement that you will pay to Homfi for the real estate brokerage or real estate rental management service only if:
    1. you will rent the property to a lessee who has obtained a positive certificate issued by Homfi's partner, simpl.rent (simpl sp. z o. o.) and
    2. Homfi's remuneration (commission) rate will not be lower than that provided for in Table 1 (lease agency agreement) or Table 2 (property lease management agreement) for a specific transactional rental rate, respectively.
      Table 1. Lease agency agreementinsurance-policy-for-the-lessor-regulations-table-1.png
      Table 2. Property lease management agreementinsurance-policy-for-the-lessor-regulations-table-2.png
  4. For the lessee to obtain the positive certificate referred to in point 3 a) he must successfully pass full verification carried out by a Homfi’s partner. Verification of the lessee involves checking, with his consent, his identity, payment and credit history and earnings. Homfi is not responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by the lessee for the purposes of this verification.
  5. If the lessee does not obtain a positive certificate or it is not carried out at all on your instructions, and you nevertheless conclude a lease agreement with such a lessee, you will not be entitled to the Policy as part of the remuneration.
  6. If you are not entitled to the Policy under these Regulations, you can purchase it yourself at any time by clicking on this link: https://www.homfi.com/en/services/for-you/insurance-solutions
  7. If you withdraw from or terminate the Agreement, you will be obliged to reimburse Homfi for the cost of purchasing the Policy.
  8. The Regulations enter into force on July 1, 2024, and its provisions apply from October 1, 2023. If the Regulations change, you will be informed about it via e-mail.